A premium nutritionally fortified (with added supplement) seed diet formulated specifically for Cockatiels and other species.
Available Packages:4 lb. Poly Bag25 lb. Poly Bag
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A premium nutritionally fortified (with added supplement) seed diet formulated specifically for parakeets.
Available Packages:2 lb. Poly Bag25 lb. Poly Bag
A premium nutritionally fortified (with added supplement) seed diet formulated specifically for Parrots and other large Hookbills.
Available Packages:3 lb. Poly Bag20 lb. Poly Bag
A specially formulated bean and pasta mixture for all Hookbills.
Available Packages:3 lb. Jar25 lb. Poly Bag
A specially formulated blend for all exotic finches.
A premium, nutritionally fortified (with added supplement) and balanced food for hamsters, rats and mice.
Available Packages:5 lb. Poly Bag
A premium, nutritionally fortified (with added supplement) rabbit food with added treats.
A premium, nutritionally fortified (with added supplement) and balanced seed diet for gerbils, rats and mice.
The combination of a Parrot's characteristics, such as its long, strong, curved beak, its feet which have two toes in front and two in back, and its strong supportive tail, make the Parrot a great manipulator of anything it wants. A good diet consists of seeds, nuts and fruits.
With the right diet Cockatiels live on average 18-20 years, and sometimes longer. A Cockatiel's diet should consist of plenty of pellets, a little seed and the occasional treat.
Canaries must be fed a high protein food every day, in addition to a mix of canary seed.
Parakeets can be up to 12 inches long, and live almost 30 years. They eat Parrot food, cereal seeds, fruit and green food.
Finches are small birds that do not require much interaction. A seed mix formulated specially for finches is preferred, along with a daily source of almost pure calcium, such as cuttlefish bone or eggshells.
Throughout their lives rabbits require many different types of food.
Guinea pigs vary in size but have an average weight of around two pounds. Interestingly enough, they are vegetarians and need a variety of fruits, vegetables and grains.
Gerbils need small amounts of fresh vegetables every day and an occasional bit of fruit. Chew sticks and hard pellets make great treats and are also good for gerbils, helping satisfy their need to chew.
The chinchillas seen today are the descendents of 11 animals brought into California to be bred for their dense, beautiful fur. They feed on roots and tubers, and occasionally greens or dried fru
Hamsters have a life span of about three years. Hamster pellets include all of the vitamins and minerals necessary for their nutrition such as corn, oats and sunflower.