With the right diet Cockatiels live on average 18-20 years, and sometimes longer. A Cockatiel's diet should consist of plenty of pellets, a little seed and the occasional treat. Salad or other greens are also acceptable additions to a Cockatiel's diet. In the wild a Cockatiel enters its nest hole backwards or tail-first due to its very long tail. A Cockatiel's voice starts to develop at around 12 weeks of age and by 6 months is pretty well developed.

Cockatiel Food
A premium nutritionally fortified (with added supplement) seed diet formulated specifically for Cockatiels and other species.
Available Packages:
4 lb. Poly Bag
25 lb. Poly Bag

Cockatiel Food Jar
A premium quality food for Cockatiels.
Available Packages:
4.5 lb. Jar

Cockatiel Food No Sunflower
A premium nutritionally fortified (with added supplement) seed diet formulated specifically for Cockatiels and other species.
Available Packages:
5 lb. Poly Bag
25 lb. Poly Bag

TropikTreet™ For Cockatiels
A balanced blend of seed, fruits and vegetables formulated for Cockatiels and other small Hookbills.
Available Packages:
25 lb. Poly Bag

Bean Cuisine™
A specially formulated bean and pasta mixture for all Hookbills.
Available Packages:
3 lb. Jar
25 lb. Poly Bag

Spray Millet
Spray Millet is a daily treat that provides healthy, natural nutrition for all birds from Parakeets to Parrots.
Available Packages:
5 oz. Poly Bag
5 lb. Box