Mice are similar to rats in many ways, including the fact that they both prefer to live with another one of their species. They require less room than rats, because they’re smaller. This also causes problems because they can escape easier. If you get two, try to get two from the same litter, since they tend to get along better than two random mice.

Gerbil Food
A premium, nutritionally fortified (with added supplement) and balanced seed diet for gerbils, rats and mice.
Available Packages:
5 lb. Poly Bag

Hamster Food
A premium, nutritionally fortified (with added supplement) and balanced food for hamsters, rats and mice.
Available Packages:
5 lb. Poly Bag

Hamster / Gerbil Food Jar
A premium and balanced food for hamsters, gerbils, rats and mice.
Available Packages:
2.75 lb. Jar

Hamster/Gerbil Treat
A treat for all hamsters and gerbils.
Available Packages:
20 lb. Paper Bag

Hamster/Gerbil Fun Treat
A treat for all hamsters and gerbils.
Available Packages:
3 oz. Blister Package